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Can Adults and Children Use Invisalign?

At our dental practice in Boroughbridge, near Ripon, we help adults and children alike with a range of dental treatments. This includes general, routine care like scale and polish treatment or extractions, as well as orthodontic treatments like braces.

One of the most popular types of brace is Invisalign – and it’s designed for teens and adults alike. Today, we’ll explain more about it and why it could be a great choice for those living in and around Ripon.

Invisalign concerns at Boroughbridge Dental Practice in Ripon

So, what’s Invisalign all about?

The treatment involves using clear acrylic trays, known as aligners, to straighten the smile. A bit like retainers, these fit comfortably over the teeth and make tiny adjustments throughout your treatment. All you need to do is change your aligners every few weeks to the next set. Traditional braces involve brackets (effectively “glued” to the teeth) which are threaded with adjustable wires, so your dentist can tighten the apparatus as you go.

Why is Invisalign so popular?

The brand states that around 5 million people have used the braces to straighten their teeth – and that’s on a global scale. Part of Invisalign’s success is down to celebrity endorsement, with many stars sharing their treatment with the public. Our patients in Boroughbridge love how comfortable treatment is and how straightforward it is, too.

Can teens have Invisalign braces?

Absolutely. In fact, Invisalign braces for teens come with a blue dot indicator, so you can check they’ve been wearing them for long enough (most cases need 20-22 hours wear per day). Teens love the flexibility of Invisalign braces, as well as the discreet nature of the treatment.

Is Invisalign expensive?

No – we think it offers fantastic value for money, and patients of ours who live in the Ripon area agree. After all, you really can’t put a price on a healthy, happy smile – especially your teen’s.

At what age can someone get Invisalign treatment?

Ideally, treatment should begin after all adult teeth have erupted (come through), however it can be started earlier if there are issues like bite concerns. There’s no upper age limit on treatment, however – as long as your mouth, teeth and gums are in good condition.

How do I book treatment?

To sign up for Invisalign treatment, you’ll need to attend a consultation at our dental practice in Boroughbridge, near Ripon. To arrange yours, simply get in touch with our friendly team. And if you want to know more about Invisalign braces and invisible braces in general, visit our website.

Visit Our Invisalign Page